Holding company in India

If there is a holding company that controls the subsidiaries, then it is easy to transfer shares between them.

There are tax breaks: holding companies in India are considered tax-worthy. The reason for this is its importance to the country’s economy. These are the advantages of setting up a holding company. However, you would be surprised to know how to register a holding company in India.

Setup a holding company

We will be glad to assist you to open a holding company in India, our specialists have extensive experience and knowledge about holdings companies. With us, the process of opening a holding will be simple and fast.

Procedure and requirements

The process of registering a holding company in Indian jurisdiction is quite simple, which looks like this:

  1. Apply for DSC and DIN;
  2. Collect the documents required to register a company in India;
  3. Apply RUN;
  4. Compile the MOA and AOA of the company.
  5. Apply for company registration through the online application.

However, the Indian company registration process still has to include some specific issues that need to be addressed. These issues are specifically mentioned in the MOA.

The features of the Memorandum of Association must include the task of managing the assets of subsidiaries. Therefore, you need to provide the following details:

  • The name of the subsidiaries.
  • The ownership structure of these companies.
  • What is the share of the holding in these companies
  • Features of the Charter with the rights of the holding company.


Get a bookkeeping solution with our help. We will take care of all the paperwork and business accounting.

Bank account​

After company registration, we will help open a bank account in India.


If you feel like you need more information about business registration, contact us with a request for consultation.

Other types of companies

If you feel like Holding company does not fit your needs, click the button below and you will see other legal forms like Limited Liability Company, Joint Stock Company, Branch office and more.

Holding company registration

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